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Intercessory Prayer to St. Theresa of The Child Jesus


O wondrous Saint Thérèsa of the Child Jesus,
who, in thy brief earthly life, didst become
a mirror of angelic purity, of courageous love
and of whole-hearted surrender to Almighty God,
now that thou art enjoying the reward of thy virtues,
turn thine eyes of mercy upon us who trust in thee.
Obtain for us the grace to keep our hearts and minds
pure and clean like unto thine, and to detest
in all sincerity whatever might tarnish
ever so slightly the luster of a virtue
so sublime, a virtue that endears us
to the heavenly Bridegroom.
Ah, dear Saint, grant us to feel
in every need the power of thy intercession;
give us comfort in all the bitterness of this life
and especially at its latter end, that we may be
worthy to share eternal happiness
with thee in paradise.

V. Pray for us, O blessed Thérèsa,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray

O Lord, who has said: "Unless you become
as little children, you shall not enter into
the kingdom of heaven"; grant us, we beseech Thee,
so to walk in the footsteps of thy blessed
Virgin Thérèse with a humble and single heart,
that we may attain to everlasting rewards:
Who livest and reignest, world without end.

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