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Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary


O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, ever Virgin!
O Heart most pure, most noble, most perfect
image of the adorable Heart of Jesus!
We humbly entreat you to intercede for us
and to obtain for us the favors we petition
for in this novena,
if it be the holy will of God
to grant them, and if not, to ask for us
whatever graces we most need.

(Pause for private intentions said in silence.)

We desire by this novena,
which we offer in your honor,
that you will always be,
after the Heart of Jesus,
the object of our love and devotion.
Through your Immaculate Heart
we offer to your Divine Son
all our thoughts, words and actions
of this day and all our days.
We pray for Francis, our Pope,
for {your bishop name}, Our bishop,
for all priests and for the
conversion of all sinners.

We beg your powerful intercession
for an increase of vocations
to the priesthood and
religious life, especially
for our diocese.

Through your maternal Heart,
we ask God's blessings upon our families,
upon all who have been
good to us for the Lord's sake,
for all the living and the dead
who are dear to us and
for all for whom we have
been asked to pray.

V. Hail Mary
R. Holy Mary
V. Immaculate Heart of Mary,
R. Pray for us.
V. Refuge of Sinners,
R. Pray for us.
V. O Mary conceived without sin,
R. Pray for us who have recourse to you.
V. May Mary's Heart Immaculate,
R. Be forever praised.

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