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Prayer for a good confession


O my God, by my grievous sins,
I have crucified again,
Thy Divine Son and
made Him a mockery.
For this I have deserved
Thy wrath and made myself
fit for the fires of hell.
How ungrateful have I been
to Thee as well as,
to my Heavenly Father,
Who created me out of nothing,
redeemed me by the
Precious Blood of Thy Son
and sanctified me by
Thy Holy Sacraments
and by the Holy Spirit.
But Thou hast spared me
by Thy mercy,
to make this confession.
Receive me back
as Thy prodigal son
and grant me to confess well,
that I may begin anew
to love Thee
with my whole heart and soul,
and henceforth to
keep Thy Commandments and
suffer patiently whatever
temporal punishment may remain.
I hope by Thy goodness
and power,
to obtain everlasting life in Paradise.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

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