"Remember to keep Holy the Lord's Day" 1. Did I miss Holy Mass on Sunday or on Holy days of obligation through my own fault? 2. Am I always reverent in the presence of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament? 3. Was I inattentive at Holy Mass? Did I come to Holy Mass late? How late? Did I leave Holy Mass early? 4. Did I require my employees to work on Sunday? Did I do work on Sunday that was not necessary? Did I set aside Sunday as a day of rest and a family day? Have I spent time to read the Holy Bible? 5. Did I eat meat on Fridays? Did I fast as required on Vibhuti Tirunal and Good Friday? 6. Did I fail to confess at least once a year? Did I make a bad confession? 7. Did I go to Holy Communion without fasting (water and medicine permitted) for one hour from food and drink? |