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Sixth and Ninth Commandment of God


"You shall not commit adultery and You shall not desire your neighbour's wife"

1. Did I willfully entertain impure thoughts or desires? Did I dress immodestly?

2. Did I use impure or suggestive words? Tell impure stories? Listen to them?

3. Did I deliberately look at impure TV, adult videos, dances, magazines, pictures or movies?

4. Did I commit impure acts by myself (masturbation)?

5. Did I commit impure acts with another : fornication (pre-marital sex), adultery (sex with a married person)?

6. Did I practice artificial birth control (by pills, condom, device, withdrawal)?

7. Has each sexual act in my marriage been open to the transmission of new life?

8. Did I avoid the occasions of impurity? Did I try to control my thoughts?

9. Did I engage in homosexual/lesbian activity? Did I go to night clubs?

10. Did I take/encourage someone to night clubs, prostitution, adult movies?

11. Did I respect all members of the same opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as objects?

12. Have I looked at pornography either in books or on the screen or internet?

13. Have I dwelled on impure thoughts or fantasies for the purpose of arousal?

14. Have I wilfully lusted after another? Or deliberately read impure materials?

15. Did I marry or advise anyone to marry from outside the Catholic Church?

16. Did I abuse my marriage rights? Was I unfaithful to my marriage vows?

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