"You shall not steal and you shall not desire your neighbour's goods" 1. Did I spend enough time in praying and worshipping God? 2. Did I give a full day's work in return for my full day's pay? Have I wasted time for which I was paid? 3. Did I give a fair wage to my employee? Defrauded employees? Injured other's rights to goods or employment? 4. Have I gambled to excess? Have I wasted time by playing cards or watching movies? 5. Have I taken advantage of the labourers, poor, inexperienced or less fortunate? 6. Have I failed to help the poor (charity) or needy when I am able to do so? 7. Did I give charity/money for evangelisation? Did I fail to contribute to the support of the Church? 8. Have I lied in my tax return to evade taxes? Have I made restitution for stolen goods? (like Zacheaus) 9. Did I fulfill my contracts, give or accept bribes, pay my bills, deprive my family of necessities of life? 10. Steal or desire to possess unjustly the goods/ property of another/ Govt. (eg. moving fence/boundary stone/making fraudulent documents etc.)? 11. Destroyed property of others? Defrauded insurance companies? Took employer's goods without permission? 12. Deceit in buying or selling? Gave incorrect measure or weight? 13. Neglected or delayed to pay bills or just debts? Deferred payment of wages? 14. Willfully damaged another's goods? Or spoilt their goods by wilful negligence? 15. Am I jealous of what another one has (abilities, talents, job, money, beauty, vehicle, age, house, success etc.)? 16. Have I pirated softwares, movies, videos, music etc.? |