"I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange Gods before me." 1. Did I have false gods in my life that I gave greater attention to than Almighty God, eg. money, profession, drugs, TV, fame, pleasure, property, parents, spouse, children, power, friends, sports, hero/heroine in the movies, leaders of political organisations, other entertainment activities etc. 2. Did I deny that I was a Catholic? Did I leave the Catholic faith? Did I get involved with non Catholic adoration or worship? 3. My Faith - Have I denied it? Doubted it? Endangered it by reading anti-Catholic literature? 4. Did I deny or doubt God's existence? Did I refuse to believe God's revelations? Murmured against God at the adversity or prosperity of others? Despaired of His mercy and been presumptuous of His mercy? 5. Did I believe in horoscopes, fortune telling, witchcraft, new age crystals, tarrot cards, ouija boards, wear rings with fortune stones, kept idols, good luck charms in homes, or indulged in rites of re-incarnation or other occult practices? 6. Was I involved in the New Age movement (yoga, reiki, art of living) Eastern religions, atheism or agnosticism? 7. Did I take part/worship/visit other religious temples or received things/food dedicated to false/pagan gods? 8. Am I involved in any form of dances worshiping and praising pagan gods? Or have I given permission to my children for the same? 9. Was I guilty of apostasy? Did I belong to a schismatic group? 10. Was I involved in the Freemasons or other secret societies? 11. Did I despair of or presume on God's mercy? Did I worship and adore my Creator appropriately? 12. Did I receive Holy Communion unworthily in the state of mortal sin? 13. Did I presume in God's mercy by committing sins and then expecting absolution by going to confession? 14. Did I hate God? Was I guilty of buying and selling of blessed and Holy items? 15. Did I fail to receive Holy Communion at least once a year, especially during Easter? 16. Did I neglect daily prayers? Omit religious duties or practices through motives of human respect? 17. Spoken with levity or irreverance of priests, religious or sacred objects? |