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Pope at Angelus: Am I free like Christ or imprisoned by worldliness?


During his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis encourages the faithful to learn from Jesus' detachment from and indifference to money, power, and superficiality. Are you free, like Jesus was, or imprisoned, by the superficial? This is the question Pope Francis called on all faithful to ponder at his Angelus address on Sunday in the Vatican, as he urged them to rid themselves of everything weighing them down from approaching God. Read more...

Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila:


Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Teresa of Avila, a Spanish Carmelite nun, mystic, reformer, theologian and author who lived during the period 1515-1582. She is the first female saint to be honoured with the title of 'Doctor of the Church'. Her greatest contribution was the reformation of the Carmelite Order for both men and women. She was assisted by St John of the Cross who helped her reform the men’s Carmelite Order. The reform led to the establishment of the Discalced Carmelites which was formalised through a papal decree in 1580. Her literary contributions have been followed avidly by those keen on seeking a life of perfection. She was canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. On 27 September 1970, Pope Paul VI declared her ‘Doctor of the Church’. Read more at...

Rosary of the Joyful Mysteries:

Rosary of the Sorrowful Mysteries:

Rosary of the Glorious Mysteries:

Rosary of the Luminuous Mysteries:

Litany of the Holy Rosary:

15 Benefits of praying the Rosary:

Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus






Month of October: Dedicated to the Holy Rosary

“Queen of the Holy Rosary, Pray for us”

picThe month of October is dedicated in the Catholic Church to the devotion to the Most Holy Rosary. This is mainly because of the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary which is celebrated on October 7th. This feast was instituted to celebrate the miraculous victory over the enemies in the Battle of Lepanto, gained solely through the intercession of Our Lady by praying the Holy Rosary. The feast was first celebrated in 1571 as the feast of "Our Lady of Victory". In 1573, the feast was renamed "Our Lady of the Rosary" by Pope Gregory XIII and extended throughout the Universal Church by Pope Clement XI in 1716. Long before this, in the 13th century, when the Church suffered greatly from the Albigensian heretics, it was Our Lady who appeared to Saint Dominic in a vision and instituted devotion to the Holy Rosary. Read more here...

Our Lady, Rosa Mystica:

pic“I have placed myself as the Mediatrix between my Divine son and mankind, especially for the souls consecrated to God. ” - Our Lady to Pierina Gilli

'Rosa Mystica' meaning 'Mystical Rose' is one of the ancient titles in honor of the Blessed Virgin. The devotion under this title gained more popularity through a series of apparitions in the year 1947 at Montichiari to Pierina Gilli. Montichiari is a small town in Northern Italy, twenty kilometers from Brescia. Pierina Gilli was a Roman Catholic nurse who worked in the local hospital. During the apparitions, Our Lady wished for a new marian devotion in the title 'Rosa Mystica' and asked for 'Prayer, Sacrifice and Penances' for the offences committed against Our Lord especially by consecrated souls. Read more here...

Mystical Gift of Saint Catherine de Ricci:


Saint Catherine dei Ricci was an Italian Dominican Tertiary Sister who lived during the period 1522-1590. She joined the Dominican convent of San Vincenzio, at Prato, Italy at the age of 13 and lived a life of severe penances and prayer since then. She was appointed the novice mistress at a young age and then the sub-prioress. Later at the age of 38, she was appointed the Prioress in perpetuity. Her holiness and wisdom brought several people to her, seeking her counsel in their matters. She was blessed with extraordinary mystical gifts which included the stigmata and the gift of bilocation. After a prolonged illness, Saint Catherine died at the age of 68. Her incorrupt remains are held in an ornate reliquary under the main altar of the Basilica of Prato. Read more here...

First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

pic“I will grant to all those who receive Communion on the First Fridays, for nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance. They will not die in my displeasure nor without receiving the Sacraments, and my Heart will be their secure refuge in that last hour.” - Promises 11 & 12 given by Our Lord Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. During the series of apparitions of Our Lord to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French nun of the religious Order of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary between 1673 to 1675, Our Lord revealed His Sacred Heart – a heart pierced, enthroned in flames, surrounded by a crown of thorns and surmounted by a cross. He also revealed His desire for a devotion to His Sacred Heart and 12 promises that He would give to those who practiced this devotion. Among these, the 11 & 12 promises were pertaining to the practices of devotion to His Sacred Heart on the First Fridays of every month.Read more here...




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