Dear St. Faustina, I have come to know
you as a friend. I ask you to plead
to the Lord for me, the prayer I ask of you.
In times of doubt, dear friend,
implore the Lord's Mercy as you did
so often here on earth, that I may remember
who I am, and to what His mercy has called me.
In times of fear, implore His Mercy
that I may ever remember to trust,
and trust again, in joy, and in the
knowledge that God is preparing me
for a beautiful mission.
Please pray dear St. Faustina, that
I may never forget that the abyss between
my Lord and I has been bridged by His tender mercy.
He will continue to be faithful and
heal me of anything which stands
in the way of His Will. My life is in His Hands.
Thank you dear friend. Pray with me
the prayer Our Lord taught you to
spread throughout the world;
Jesus, I trust in You!
Remind all pilgrims of life that
if our trust is great, there is
no limit to Jesus' generosity.