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Prayer for addictions


Prayer #1:

Lord Jesus, I put myself
into Your hands this day.
I ask You, with all my heart,
to cure the terrible addiction to
alcohol (drugs) in
(name the person).

Create in them an intolerance
for alcohol (drugs) that will
prevent them ever offending those
who love them again.
And grant their loved ones the grace
to forgive them for all
the hurt they have caused.
Through the Divine Mercy and Blood of Jesus,
I also pray that they will be healed
of all withdrawal symptoms of
this terrible affliction.
I sincerely ask this, in the name of Jesus.

Prayer #2:

Saint Maximilian Kolbe,
your life of love and labor for souls
was sacrificed amid the horrors
of a concentration camp and hastened
to its end by an injection of a deadly drug.

Look with compassion upon
(Name of the Person)
who is now entrapped in
addiction to drugs/alcohol
and whom I now recommend to
your powerful intercession.
Having offered your own life
to preserve that of a family man,
I turn to you with trust, confident
that you will understand and help.

Obtain for me the grace
never to withhold my love and
understanding, or to fail in
persevering prayer that the
enslaving bonds of addiction
may be broken and that full health
may be restored to him, whom I love.

I will never cease to be
grateful to God who has helped me
and heard your prayer for me.

Prayer #3:

Most loving God,
we ask your blessing upon all
who suffer from addiction.
Strengthen them to reach out for help.
Enable them to take the
first step to recovery.
Bless them with the
persistence to persevere
in the fight to be free.
Give courage and hope to their families,
drawing them close together
in the power of your love,
which alone can transform our living.

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