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Novena of St. Isidore


Begin with the Sign of the Cross.
Read the daily scripture verse(s)
and spend a few moments meditating on it.
Pray the daily novena prayer
followed by the prayer
in honor of St. Isidore and
the Our Father, Hail Mary,
and Glory Be three times
for the intention of the Holy Father.
Conclude with the Prayer for Rain
and the Sign of the Cross.

Prayer in Honor of St. Isidore

O God, who taught Adam
the simple art of tilling the soil,
and who through Jesus Christ,
the true vine, revealed
Yourself the husbandman of our souls,
deign, we pray, through the merits
of Blessed Isidore, to instill
into our hearts a horror of sin
and a love of prayer, so that,
working the soil in the sweat of our brow,
we may enjoy eternal happiness in heaven.
Through the same Christ our Lord.

Prayer for Rain

O God, in Whom we live and move,
and have our being, grant us rain,
in due abundance, that,
being sufficiently helped with temporal,
we may the more confidently seek
after eternal gifts.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day One

Partnership with God
(Genesis 1:25 and 2:15)

Grant we beseech You, merciful Lord,
through the intercession of
Blessed Isidore, farmer and confessor,
not to let us be vain
with the wisdom of the world,
but by his merits and example,
let us in all humility always
do what is pleasing to You.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Two

Family life in Christ
Psalm 26:4-5)

We offer the sacrifice of praise,
O Lord, and humbly pray that
through the intercession
of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God,
and of St. Joseph, You may
establish our families in peace and grace.
Through the same Christ our Lord.

Day Three

Love of Neighbor
(Romans 12:9-12)

O God, You who make all things work
together unto good for those who love
You, give to our hearts an
abiding love for You:
so that the desires we conceive by
Your inspiration may ever remain
unchanged in spite of every temptation.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Four

Dignity of Word
(2 Thessalonians 3:8-12)

Prayer: O Lord, let us follow
the blessed farmer Isidore’s example
of patience and humility,
and walk so faithfully
in his footsteps that
by his intercession in the
evening of life,
we can offer You a rich harvest
of merits and good works.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Five

Walking in the Presence of God
(1 Timothy 4:15-16)

Prayer: Breathe into our hearts,
we beseech You, O Lord,
a desire for heavenly glory,
and grant that we may pass,
bearing in our hands
the sheaves of justice,
to where the Blessed Isidore
is resplendent with You in glory.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Six

Stewardship of the Soil
(James 5:7-10)

Pour down Your blessing, we beseech You,
O Lord, upon Your people,
and upon all the fruits of the earth,
so that when collected they may
be mercifully distributed to the
honor and glory of Your holy name.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Seven

Rural Works of Mercy
(Matthew 6:19-20)

May the grace of the Holy Spirit,
we beseech You, O Lord,
enlighten our hearts,
and refresh them abundantly
with the sweetness of perfect charity.
Through Christ our Lord.

Day Eight

Trust in Prayer
(Philippians 4:4-7)

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who has said:
Ask and your shall receive, seek
and you shall find,
knock and it shall be
opened unto you; grant,
we beseech You, to us Your supplicants,
the gift of Your most divine love,
so that we may love You
with our whole heart
and in all our words and works,
and never cease praising You.
Who live and reign world without end.

Day Nine

Sacrifice of Praise
(Hebrews 10:12-14)

Protect us, O Lord,
who offer holocausts to You,
and sear our hearts with the
flame of Your divine charity,
so that they may be ever more
fervently prepared for sacrifice.
Through Christ our Lord.

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